BGC TV! – Why isn’t my property selling?

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BGC TV! – Why isn’t my property selling?

Is your house up for sale but just hasn’t had the interest you thought it might? Tim talks through some reasons why this could be and some ways that we can help.




Yes, if a house hasn’t- If a house has gone onto the market, but it hasn’t had the number of viewings, the interest that we perhaps thought it might, we’ve got to try to understand why. You can’t just forget about it and move on, you’ve got to work with your client, because that’s what they’ve asked you to do, they’ve asked you to sell that home. So, we have to figure out how.

Is the house in the wrong location? Is it in bad condition? The answers to those questions are generally no, it is almost always to do with price. If the price is not commensurate with the market, if it’s not where the market expects it to be- Because there are buyers for every property. There is a buyer for everything but, at a certain level, that could be at £150,000 or it could be at £1m. There is a buyer for everything.

But I think, importantly, if a property isn’t selling, why? Work with the client, talk to the client, and try to understand what we need to do, in order to find that buyer. Do we need to up our marketing effort? Do we need to advertise the property further? Do we need to tweak how we work on social media? Do we need to speak to people on our website, and start promoting in a different way?

There are plenty of options open to us, to do this, to ensure that a client’s property is as widely marketed as it possibly can be, in order to help them sell.

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